Friday, August 2, 2013

Reflections On My 47th Year - The Life Of Peter Thomas Senese

So I woke up this morning looking at a field of beautiful palm trees while listening to the roaring sound of a waterfall.

It was a perfect way to celebrate the last day of a particularly good, satisfying, and deeply meaningful year that was my 47th.

In looking back and reflecting on all the things that occurred this year, I am pleased and thankful for the year that has been.  Many goals and desires have been achieved, while others that I have set out to accomplish are in a real process of coming to fruition.

In particular, my volunteer advocacy to protect children from international kidnapping is showing significant and tangible results. Truth is, the I CARE Foundation has helped bring home many abducted children while preventing a much larger number of abductions. And recently, we have released an absolute game-changing abduction prevention tool that will protect many thousands of childrens' lives.  In fact, this new tool is already working around the world.

There is very little I can compare to the happiness I feel knowing that a child of abduction has been safely brought home or spared from a terrible fate.  It is due to the joy I know that my own personal commitment to helping other families remains steadfast. In this unbowed determination to help others, I know that the roots of the work previously conducted will impact many for years to come.

As I think about my life as an author who writes international espionage thrillers, I have come to realize that in many ways my ability to research and write has allowed me to help many children around the world. Certainly, I am looking forward to releasing several of my novels . . . and that has become an important goal for my upcoming 48th year.  This included releasing Chasing The Cyclone in hardcover, along with Predators Games and Quest.

Most of all, when I look at this past 47th year, there is something that stands out more than anything and that is that I have a remarkable amount of love and meaningful friendships in my life.

To each of you who have added such deep meaning and value to my life this year, I would like to express my deep thanks and gratitude.

My 47th year was one that I truly embraced the concept of Uhuru. It is something I intend to do tomorrow, when I welcome my 48th year on this magical planet we all share.